Black DaVinci (Amphiprion ocellaris)

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The Black DaVinci  stems from the DaVinci clown, but with contrasting colors and patterns of black and white . The Black DaVinci have trailing stripes that blend together toward the posterior of the fish. The tail looks like a large black dot surrounded by white, and even the pectoral and dorsal fins get plenty of that white bar spillover.


Natural Habitat: lives among the tentacles of magnificent anemones, giant carpet anemones, and carpet anemones. This natural behavior protects wild clownfishes from predators. 

Usually ignores reef invertebrates and corals. Clownfishes sometimes adopt various corals and algae as substitutes for host anemones.

Food: aquarium pellets and flakes. Freshly frozen invertebrates such as ocean plankton, Mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, and chopped. 

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